Saturday, 12 March 2011

Fuel Price Protest 1/4/2011

You may have heard about a protest involving not filling up on 1/4/2011.

Hitting the fuel stations won't work.

FIRST - its not their fault. The FUEL stations make maybe 5p a litre in profit, so around £3.50 per tank full.
The rest is partly overheads, but mainly DUTY and VAT.

SECOND - the fuel stations are, in the main, privately owned. By people like you and I. They just sell a brand and try to make a living, like you and I.

THIRD - they don't set the prices - the fuel companies do that.

So, what say we ALL write to our MP to ask them to REDUCE fuel duty. Keep the duty flexible so that fuel price follows the inflation rate. Still a tough pill to swallow but alot better than the way things are at present.

If we all write they are DUTY BOUND TO LISTEN, and to do something about it.

Google "contact your MP" and get writing.

Please - assuming that this is not a bit of April-Tom-Foolery that is.

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